Listen & Watch below as Kimberly Henrie and Dr. Stephanie Stanfield discuss the ways that Blab might increase your exposure to new and existing clientele and help you educate your clients, community and the general population.
Some of the points made include:
- Blab is LIVE and Open to the public - you'll reach outside your existing client list
- It is an easy way to record video and make it available for replay via your website, email list, social media etc.
- Great for Q & A discussions
- Great for Panel discussions
- Great for Webinar-style broadcasts and educational formats
- It's FREE and very simple to set up.
- You'll want to have fairly new computer, smartphone or tablet with video capabilities
- Practice by visiting some other Blabs first before hosting your own
- When you are ready to host your own Blab, have a 2nd person on as co-host to help keep the conversation rolling.