Friday, February 28, 2014

Call for Volunteers for Health & Wellness Expo

Contact: Kimberly Henrie, 970-930-1242

Call for Volunteers for Health & Wellness Expo

Glenwood Springs, CO - Volunteers are needed for the 3rd Annual Health & Wellness Expo in Glenwood Springs. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 26, at Ramada Inn & Suites.

Volunteers are needed as greeters, runners, announcers, door prize coordinators and more.  A meal (breakfast or lunch) will be provided for each shift worked.  Shifts are 9am-1pm or 1pm to 5pm.  There is flexibility if your schedule doesn’t quite match up and you still want to take part.  Volunteers will be eligible for doorprizes and have up close and personal access to the event.

The Health & Wellness Expo is being produced locally to provide information and education about integrative health and preventative wellness solutions that are available throughout the valley.  The event will feature more than 40 exhibitors and informative speakers.

To volunteer, contact Stephanie at 987-5029 or email

For more information about this event, visit

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Whole Earth Summit

Conversations with 42 Global Leaders
Why join? Though our hearts know another world is possible, it’s not necessarily easy to create the regenerative culture we dream of. Whether in our own backyards, communities at large (or even within ourselves), how do we actually create the world we want? Join this first time gathering of extraordinary activists and on-the-ground leaders as they share what they’re up to, why it’s important, and what you can do about it in your own life. Gain valuable insights and inspiration to be a more dynamic, community-oriented, and effective change-maker. A whole earth is calling us…

• What if everything we did created a world that benefited all life?
• Do you consider yourself an agent of change with a desire to make a difference?
• How can you be a strong collaborator who connects the dots in your own community?
• How can your local projects ripple throughout the landscape and shake up the status quo?
• Do you want to be so awesomely inspired so that you’ve got to take your next leap?

Friday, February 21, 2014

Natural Ways to Treat Anxiety – Diet and Lifestyle Changes

Natural Ways to Treat Anxiety 

There are a number of reasons women can feel anxiety from time to time: stress, hormonal imbalance, diet, and other lifestyle factors can all play a role.

Unfortunately, for many people who seek treatment for anxiety, they are simply prescribed “quick fixes” that only mask the symptoms without dealing with the root cause. The good news is that there are natural ways to treat anxiety that focus on dealing with whatever is causing it in the first place.

If you’re hoping to use natural ways to treat anxiety rather than simply masking the symptoms, read on to learn how to recognize anxiety, pinpoint what might be causing it, and address the root issue directly.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety shows itself in a number of ways, so it can be a little hard to define – especially if you are the one going through it yourself. According to an article for the University of Illinois at Chicago at
 ”Sometimes anxiety is accompanied by an episode of intense panic, dread, or fear in which an individual may experience chest pain, shortness of breath, racing heart, dizziness, and/or stomach discomfort. Anxiety can manifest as unwanted, repetitive thoughts and compulsive behaviors that seem impossible to stop. Sometimes anxiety is specifically tied to a certain situation, like speaking in public, riding in an elevator, or encountering a dangerous animal.”
Not all anxiety, however, is tied to certain situations. In fact, the symptoms described might arise in someone who is dealing with anxiety seemingly out of nowhere. Other symptoms include:
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty relaxing or sitting still
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Soreness or aching muscles
  • Trouble falling or staying asleep
  • Avoiding situations that you were once able to handle
  • Sweating
  • Gastrointestinal problems

Looking at Diet

For some people, a poor diet or food intolerance is to blame for feelings of anxiety. Common culprits include food additives like MSG or artificial colors, caffeine, sugar, and gluten in those who are insensitive. Avoiding these and looking into food sensitivities may be all you need to do to get relief.
As  a general rule, adding plenty of raw, organic fruits and vegetables is a great step you can take for your health. Try to mainly eat foods that are as close to their original source as possible – refined grains and highly processed foods are better avoided.

Habits that Heal Anxiety  CLICK TO CONTINUE AT SOURCE

Monday, February 17, 2014

GMOs Are Killing the Bees, Butterflies, Birds, and .......?

  • By Katherine Paul and Ronnie Cummins
    Organic Consumers Association, February 14, 2014

  "It is ironic to think that man might determine his own future by something so seemingly trivial as the choice of an insect spray." - Rachel Carson, Silent Spring

When the honeybees, our most important food pollinators, started dropping like proverbial flies, scientists scrambled to identify their killer (or killers). Attention eventually turned to the increased use of a class of pesticides known as neonicotinoids. Scientists now believe at least some of these pesticides play a major role in Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), the ongoing demise of honeybee colonies.

Who makes the neonicotinoids? Syngenta, Bayer CropSciences and Dow Agrosciences.

Who's using them, and for what purpose? Companies like Monsanto, Bayer, Dow Agrosciences . . . in the herbicides and pesticides and seeds they sell to farmers who grow genetically engineered crops. Crops that eventually end up in our food, or in the feed used to fatten up animals in factory farms-animals we slaughter for food.

We need bees in order to grow food, or at least some of it. Yet the food-GMO food, drenched in neonics-we are growing is killing the bees.

It's not just the bees that are dying. Butterfly and bird populations are in decline, too. And it's not just the neonicotinoids that are to blame. Other herbicides and pesticides, especially Monsanto's Roundup, used to grow GMO crops-and also used to contain (kill) weeds in cities and home gardens-are decimating pollinators, fish and wildlife, and some would argue, humans, too.

As consumers ask more and more questions about the impact of GMO foods and crops on our health and environment, we're making smarter choices about the foods we choose to eat. Does my child's cereal contain sugar from genetically engineered beets? Did that steak on my dinner plate come from an animal raised on a factory farm, and fed a diet of Roundup-ready GMO corn, canola, soy or cotton seed?

But we need to look at the bigger picture, too. That means calling for an end to the use of Monsanto's Roundup in urban areas, on our lawns, roadways, schoolyards and parks.  It means paying close attention to the seeds and garden plants we buy for our home gardens.

It means asking ourselves what can we do to pressure Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, and Dupont's customers, both rural and urban, into understanding that their widespread, reckless use of neonics and other toxins is destroying our food, soil, water, air and wildlife? And that organic, sustainable, non-chemical alternatives exist?

It means asking ourselves, how do we force food manufacturers to stop using these poison-drenched GMO crops in their processed food products? How do we get through to the politicians who protect the interests (profits) of pesticide and junk food makers, at the expense of all else? Before it's too late?

We do it by making intelligent and ethical buying decisions. By boycotting the corporations who refuse to hear us. But voting out the politicians who sell us out to the industry lobbyists who fund their political campaigns.

We do it by all of the above. Over and over again.

Bee Week of Action just the bee-ginning

February 16 marks the end of a national Bee Week of Action. This week, more than 27,000 activists, coast to coast, delivered valentine cards to managers of Home Depot and Lowe's stores, and handed out bee education leaflets to store customers.

The actions, organized by Friends of the Earth, the Organic Consumers Association and 10 other groups, focused on pressing Home Depot and Lowe's to stop selling garden plants pre-treated with neonicotinoids. OCA and our allies also collected more than 650,000 signatures on petitions to Home Depot and Lowe's, and sent letters to the CEOs of both companies. Home Depot responded this week, saying that it is "working on" a policy to address neonics. We're hopeful, that with enough pressure, Home Depot and Lowe's will take these killers off their shelves and promote organic alternatives.

Our goal this week was to draw attention to the plight of honeybees, the damage caused by neonics, and the fact that consumers-most of them unknowingly-contribute to the problem when they purchase plants that may attract bees, only to kill them.

It's a strong campaign. One that OCA is committed to supporting until Home Depot and Lowe's end the sales of bee-killing plants.

But the problem is bigger than bees. The use of neonics isn't limited to garden plants. Neonics aren't the only toxins killing bees. And bees aren't the only victims of agribusiness's chemical assault on the environment.

As the bees go, so goes our food  CONTINUE AT SOURCE

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Announcement: : Wellness Expo Date Change

Public Service Announcement
February 5, 2014

Glenwood Springs, CO - Exhibitor and sponsorship applications are currently being accepted for the third annual Health & Wellness Expo in Glenwood Springs.  The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 10, at Ramada Inn & Suites.

The Health & Wellness Expo is being produced locally in hopes of providing information and education about integrative health and preventative wellness solutions that are available throughout the valley.  The event will feature more than 30 educational vendor booths, informative speakers and interactive activities for all ages.

For more information about this event or to obtain a booth vendor application, visit
Call for Exhibitors for Health & Wellness Expo

Monday, February 10, 2014

5 Tips to stay on top of your 2014 fitness goals.


You vs February: Running low on fitness motivation? Don’t give up yet.
It hurts. You’re tired. It’s too early. You’re sore. The gym always plays obnoxious music. You hate getting sweaty. You feel ridiculous dressed like this. You look silly to all of these skinny, fit people. You never liked gym class anyway. Is this even making a difference?
Go ahead: Add your reason to quit working out to the list. You set a goal to get fit, lose weight and improve your health last month, and now you’re into the month where New Year’s resolutions go to die: February. This is when your workout stops feeling new and fun, and starts feeling downright hard.
Want your New Year’s resolution to survive February? Want to keep it up long enough to see actual results and really change your life? Yogi Berra said, “Baseball is 90 percent mental; the other half is physical”—and the same goes for your workout routine. Whether your exercise habit survives is going to depend more on what’s going on in your head than what’s going on in your aerobics class. So how do you get your head straightened out?

Find a Fitness Nemesis … er, Buddy
Having a fitness pal can be a positive, but it’s not for everybody. How do you know if it would be a good thing for you? Well, if your fitness friend outperformed you, would you
a) feel discouraged and quit working out?
b) feel competitive and try to get the upper hand by the next workout?
c) not even notice?
d) get angry and smash one of those large mirrors against the gym wall?
If you chose b) or c), go get a workout partner. If you chose a), keep working out solo. If you chose d), go see a psychiatrist. Having a partner keeps you accountable and gives you additional motivation. If that’s not enough, you could ask your workout buddy (or buddies) to publicly shame you with embarrassing pictures on a website or social media if you fail to show up for your workout. (For reference on how to do this properly, visit category/we-missed-you/)

Get a Mantra
This trick comes from marathon runners and endurance athletes, but there’s no reason you can’t take this same strategy into the weight room or indoor cycling class. Choose a phrase, or even a single word, and repeat it when times get tough. One marathoner told The New York Times he repeats the phrase “pain is inevitable; suffering is optional” over and over again as he taps out 26.2 miles. Need a few more examples?
“You don’t have to feel good to run fast.”
“Sweat is your fat crying.”
“Bigger, stronger, faster.”
“Go hard or go home.”
“Pain is weakness leaving the body.”

Buy a Box of Access Bars
Yes, the Access Bar® will help you burn fat more efficiently, but that’s not the point of this particular tip. Purchase one box of your absolute favorite flavor of Access Bars and commit (pinky swear if you have to) to only eat a bar before a minimum 30-minute workout. There are 10 bars in each box, and that means you’ll have to do 10 workouts (or two and a half hours of exercise) this month.
If you’re already working out more than 10 times per month, double it and give me 20! That’ll be five hours of exercise per month. The point is, you’ll get a reward for deciding to do your workout, and you’ll have the added benefit of feeling less sore, which will help with your motivation to go do it again next month.

Keep a Workout Calendar
There’s an old saying about planning: “Plans are useless but planning is invaluable.” What does that mean? At the start of every week, write out your fitness plan. (If you want extra credit, you can write out your nutrition plan too.) Every time you fulfill a scheduled workout, draw a happy face over it on your calendar.
But suppose your planned workout doesn’t come through—the weather doesn’t cooperate or your workout buddies bail on you. If you replace your planned workout with another 30-minute workout, draw your smiley face anyway. If, on the other hand, you miss a workout, draw a sad face … or an angry face … in red ink … baring its teeth at you. You get the point.
Hang your workout calendar in a public place where your entire family can see it. At the end of the week, you and your family can look back to see what you did—or didn’t—accomplish.

Focus On The Process
Say you want to lose 15 pounds. When you step on the scale, will it inspire you to work harder? Or will it remind you how far you have yet to go? And how many nagging reminders can you take before you throw your hands up and quit?
If standing on the scale every day motivates you to get better, by all means, do it. But if measuring yourself every day leaves you feeling discouraged, for goodness’ sake, stop doing it. Instead, focus on what you have to do to achieve your goal: exercise and eat better.
Real results come when you execute your plan over the long term. In an ideal world, you’ll even come to enjoy it. And when that happens, goal or no goal, you’ll keep doing it.

SOURCE: The Melaleuca Journal

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Authentic Life Expression

Just got this! Little late for some, but looks like great opportunities!

Three opportunities to explore your Authentic Life Expression with Ardis Hoffman, Authentic Life Coach, Founder and Executive Director of the Center for 7 Intelligences (C7i)

Discover Your Authentic Self
Thursday, February 6th from 6:30 - 8:00pm  
Board Room, Third Street Center, 520 Third Street, Carbondale
Authentic Life Expression: Free Intro and your personal profile provided.
Full details at

Growth and Self Love: Understanding Our Uniqueness – 7 Creative Archetypes with Ardis Hoffman, Authentic Life Coach, Founder and Executive Director of the Center for 7 Intelligences (C7i)
Saturday, February 8th from 9:30 - 12:00pm  
A Spiritual Center, Third Street Center, Ste. #31, 520 S. Third Street, Carbondale
Full details at

Growing in Love and Wisdom through Relationships Growth and Self Love: Understanding Our Uniqueness – 7 Creative Archetypes with Ardis Hoffman, Authentic Life Coach, Founder and Executive Director of the Center for 7 Intelligences (C7i)
Saturday, February 8th from 1:30 - 4:00pm  
Calaway Room, Third Street Center, 520 S. Third Street, Carbondale
Full details at

Questions? call Ardis at 303-305-9664 or go to the website
All events co-sponsored by Davi Nikent, Center for Human Flourishing.

Please call me if you have questions. 618-5879 or e-mail

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Weight Loss Yoga Routine

Relax your body, calm your mind and lose weight with yoga! Tara Stiles' weight loss yoga routine is the perfect workout for this holiday season! Burn tons of calories while feeling centered and refreshed with yoga!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

8 Ways Real Families on Real Budgets Can Afford Organic Food

Feb 04, 2014 12:34 am   Posted by

“Organic” is a loaded term.  For some, it conjures up ideas of lifestyles of the rich and famous, and for others, it is a food play.

“Organic” is an adjective used to describe food that has been grown without the use of certain artificial ingredients: things like high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, artificial growth hormones and genetically engineered ingredients. By law, none of these things are allowed in the production of “organic” food.

But all of these ingredients are new to our food supply, introduced in the last 30 years, which is why we now call food that doesn’t contain them “organic.”  In Europe and other parts of the world, they take a different approach, simply calling food “food” and labeling the foods that contain the genetically engineered ingredients as “GM food” and simply not using ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, genetically engineered ingredients and artificial growth hormones given that no long-term human health studies have been conducted on what the impact of eating these foods might be on a pregnant mom or a child with allergies.
But with so many Americans struggling to pay bills, talking about “organic” foods, produced without the use of all kinds of additives and ingredients, can often sound like a luxury that few can afford.
Why is it so expensive?  Because right now, at the federal level, we’ve got an uneven playing field.  Farmers that choose to grow food, genetically engineered to be saturated in chemicals, receive financial aid called “subsidies.”  They also get marketing support and crop insurance.  While farmers growing things organically, don’t, making their products more costly to produce.

Clean and safe food is a right that should be afforded to all Americans, not just those in certain zip codes, especially since it’s our tax dollars going into the farming programs.  With organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics and the President’s Cancer Panel encouraging us to reduce our exposure to all kinds of ingredients now found in our food supply that weren’t there when we were kids, the best way to do that is to buy organic.  And until that is the affordable choice for all Americans, not just those in certain socioeconomic brackets, we have our work cut out for us in reforming the financing of our food system.

The bottom line is that all Americans should all be able to feed our families foods that are free-from additives not used in foods in other countries and those that are increasingly being shown to cause harm.

So here are a few tips for those who want to start buying organic food but don’t want to pay the high price:
  1. Go Orgo-Generic: Major grocery store chains like Safeway and Kroger, and big box food retailers like Costco and even Wal-Mart, now carry their own organic foods. And all foods labeled “USDA organic” are created equal, no matter where you find them. No need to upscale your grocery store when Wal-Mart gets it done.
  2. Buy Frozen: Frozen foods (like strawberries and fish) are cheaper than those that are delivered fresh. So if the prices on fresh produce are eye-popping, cruise on over to the frozen food aisle for a discount.  CONTINUE AT SOURCE

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Welcome Roaring Fork Wellness Member!

Please welcome Roaring Fork Wellness member Kimberlie Chenoweth and The Wholeness Project.

Who are you? What do you long for? And what gets in the way of being all that you can be? Through The Wholeness Project, Kimberlie Chenoweth, MA, helps you embrace these questions, meeting you with deeply healing conversation, teaching and mentoring for your initiation into wholeness. 
 To learn more contact Kimberlie at 970-618-1976 or visit The Wholeness Project.