Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Free Radicals and You

free radicals are like auto exhaust smoke

Free Radicals - A Fact of Life
Wherever there’s life, there are free radicals. You can think of free radicals as exhaust from a combustion engine. If the engine is running, it’s throwing off exhaust. The same principle applies in the human body. As you breathe, as you digest food, as you exercise, you’re producing free radicals. By simply living, you’re generating them every second of your life.

But free radicals aren’t just byproducts of your metabolism. You can encounter even more through environmental factors such as cigarette smoke, fatty foods, sunlight, and pollution. When too many free radicals are created too quickly, the real danger of free radicals becomes evident.
Minor Radicals Do Major Damage

That overbalance of free radicals, called oxidative stress, has been linked to more than 200 health problems—from cardiovascular disease to Alzheimer’s disease to wrinkles on the skin. It’s even part of how and why we age.

There are trillions of cells in your body, and every second of every day, each cell of your body has to fend off about 35,000 free radicals. Left unchecked, that free radical damage can add up fast.
Want to Stop Free Radicals? Get Antioxidants

It might seem like free radicals are unstoppable. But there is a way to keep them in check: antioxidants. Antioxidants are the free radical police in your body. They naturally neutralize free radicals and stop the oxidation process before it can damage your cells.

So Where Do You Find Antioxidants?

Your body naturally produces antioxidants to protect itself. And antioxidants can be found in many different foods. They’re in the fruits and vegetables you eat every day. Some of the most important nutrients, vitamins C, A, and E, are powerful antioxidants as well.

Scientists agree that getting enough antioxidants is crucial for maintaining good health and slowing the effects of the aging process. But boosting your intake of just one type of antioxidant won’t do. You need the right combination of fat-soluble antioxidants (such as tocopherols, mixed carotenoids, and lycopene) and water-soluble antioxidants (such as vitamin C), as well as phenolic compounds (such as olive extract and grape seed extract).
Do You Get Enough of the Good Stuff?

Eating a wide enough variety of antioxidant-rich foods for proper, comprehensive antioxidant protection isn’t always easy. Fresh fruits and vegetables aren’t always available. Sometimes the quantities you would have to eat to get the antioxidant support you need are prohibitive. And the fact is, due to modern farming practices, our produce just doesn’t deliver the same amounts of nutrients that it did just 50 years ago.

That’s why doctors recommend supplementing a healthy diet with optimal antioxidant support. The right supplements, delivered in a way your body can use and absorb, can fill in the antioxidant protection your diet lacks—giving you the right antioxidants in the right amounts for optimal support of your eyes, skin, heart, and every other vital system in your body.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Call for Vendors for Health & Wellness Expo

Glenwood Springs, CO - Vendor and sponsorship applications are currently being accepted for the second annual Health & Wellness Expo in Glenwood Springs.
The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 27, at Ramada Inn & Suites.

The Health & Wellness Expo is being produced locally in hopes of providing information and education about integrative health and preventative wellness solutions that are available throughout the valley.  The event will feature more than 30 educational vendor booths, informative speakers and interactive activities for all ages.

For more information about this event or to obtain a booth vendor application, visit or call Dr. Stephanie Stanfield at 379-4193.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Exercising While Sick

Is it OK to exercise if I have a cold?

Mild to moderate physical activity is usually OK if you have a garden-variety cold and no fever. Exercise may even help you feel better by opening your nasal passages and temporarily relieving nasal congestion.

As a general guide for exercise and illness, consider this:
  • Exercise is usually OK if your signs and symptoms are all "above the neck" — symptoms you may have with a common cold, such as runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing or minor sore throat. Consider reducing the intensity and length of your workout, though, or you may feel worse. Instead of going for a run, take a walk, for example.
  • Don't exercise if your signs and symptoms are "below the neck" — such as chest congestion, hacking cough or upset stomach.
  • Don't exercise if you have a fever, fatigue or widespread muscle aches.
Let your body be your guide. If you have a cold and feel miserable, take a break. Scaling back or taking a few days off from exercise when you're sick shouldn't affect your performance. Resume your normal workout routine gradually as you begin to feel better. And check with your doctor if you aren't sure if it's OK to exercise.

Remember if you do choose to exercise when you're sick, reduce the intensity and length of your workout. If you attempt to exercise at your normal intensity when you have more than a simple cold, you could risk more serious injury or illness.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

kim: So Where Do I Begin?

kim: So Where Do I Begin?: In an interview with radio host Don Wight this morning, he asked the question that so many ask, "Where do I start?"  The answers can be many and varied, depending on your current wellness situation and what you want to accomplish.

The short answer?  Start small.  With these two steps:

1) Make a promise to yourself every morning that you will move for 5-10 minutes minimum within that day.  Go for a walk, do some squats, run in place, push ups, jumping jacks, the list is endless.  Just begin to incorporate movement into your day as a start.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Health and Wellness from a Holistic Perspective

Most people are familiar with the term CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine). You may think that holistic health therapies falls into those categories. It is that plus so much more. The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Holistic health therapies defines energy medicine or holistic therapies as that which “includes all energetic and informational interactions resulting from self-regulation or brought about through other energy linkages to mind and body.”

A new field of science is emerging called ‘psychoneuroimmunology’ or PNI. This means that what happens at the psychological level occurs simultaneously throughout the body and immune system and the reverse is also true. What happens in every cell of the body translates into thoughts and emotions. Learning about holistic health therapies and how to manage your health ‘well’ can be a positive turning point in how you view health and wellness.

Some of the therapies that have evolved into holistic health therapies are known as CAM therapies. These may seem quite different than the solutions and information that you receive in your doctor’s office. It can be very confusing because CAM is different in the sense that the focus of CAM isn’t symptom management or finding a cure. Rather the focus is on searching for the cause and, in the process of creating a healing environment, activating each person’s ‘inner healer.’ You have the opportunity to learn to empower yourself and then play the central role in your unique healing process. Healthy living and illness prevention are positive side effects.

When a person becomes an active participant in their energy system management and are truly committed to it, they give themselves an opportunity to experience fully what is going on at the level of the physical body in a whole new way, with new and constantly evolving meanings. Using both conventional and holistic health therapies means having a complete array from which to choose. It is important to find a level of comfort to understand when a doctor is needed or when holistic health therapies is needed (or both) to reestablish your physical and emotional balance.

Some CAM practitioners are known as acupuncturists, energy practitioners, massage therapists, bio energetic practitioners, intuitive healers, BARS practitioners, and Reiki practitioners, just to name a few. There are many CAM practitioners in the valley. Come see many of our local practitioners at the Health and Wellness Expo in Glenwood Springs on April 27, 2013 at the Ramada Inn.

The committee members for the Expo are: Stephanie Stanfield, Ph.,D., Suzette Skidmore, Carmen Iacino, Conor Johnson, Kimberly Henrie, Dean Pappas. Contact any of us or go to the website for more information.

Article provided by: Stephanie Stanfield, Ph.,D., at Live Your Present Moment 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Health Information on the Internet: Consider the Source

Would you like to learn techniques for finding credible health information on the Internet? Did you know there are medical databases available through the websites of Valley View Hospital and the Glenwood Springs Library? Would you like to learn what a medical database is and how you can use it to acquire personal health information?

Join Jean Winkler from the Connie Delaney Health Library at Valley View Hospital and Pat Conway, Branch Manager of the Glenwood SpringsBranch Library, for two presentations about health information on the Internet. The librarians are partnering to promote the importance of developing personal health knowledge which is instrumental in making informed health care decisions.

The first session, “Consider the Source,” will be held on March 19 and will demonstrate how to evaluate the credibility of health information found on the Internet. On March 21, the second session, “Getting There from Here,” will include instruction on accessing reliable information through both the public library and hospital library databases. In each session, time will be available for participants to search topics specific to individual needs. Both Conway and Winkler emphasize that the sole purpose of the training is to learn to locate and analyze a wide range of health information. It is not intended to be a substitute for consulting with a health professional.

Plan to attend the sessions Tuesday, March 19 and Thursday, March 21 from 1:00 pm until 2:30 pm at the Glenwood Springs Branch Library at 413 9th Street. Space is limited, so reserve a computer for the training by contacting either Pat Conway at 945-5958 or Jean Winkler at 384-6950. The sessions will be repeated in April.
Location: Glenwood Springs Branch Library, 413 9th Street

Day: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 and Thursday, March 21, 2013
Time: 1:00 pm-2:30 pm

Friday, February 15, 2013

Cool Community Classes - FREE!


Friday, February 15, 2013
10 am - 12 pm     Juicing & Smoothies
01 pm - 02 pm     Seed Starting/Plant Propagating
04 pm - 06 pm     Kids Arts & Crafts

Saturday, February 16, 2013
10 am - 12 pm     Juicing & Smoothies
12 pm - 02 pm     Recycled Jewelry Making
04 pm - 06 pm     Kids Arts & Crafts

Sunday, February 17, 2013
10 am - 12 pm     Juicing & Smoothies
12 pm - 02 pm   Canning Tomatoes & Strawberry Jam
04 pm - 06 pm     Beeswax Candle Making

call (970) 319-2721 or (970) 945-4200 for more information.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Navigating The Wide Range of Care Options

When it comes to health and wellness, how do you navigate the wide range of choices for your care?

Mark your calendar for: Saturday, April 27, 2013

From: 10:00am to 4:00pm

At: The Ramada Inn. 124 W 6th St, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601

Learn about your health and your holistic options at the 2nd Annual Health & Wellness Fair in Glenwood Springs, Saturday, April 27th. There will be a wide variety of health practitioners providing you with lots of local health and wellness options.

  • Curious about Chiropractic?
  • Reiki?
  • Different Types of Massage or Essential Oils?
  • What about supplements and herbs?
  • How much does diet and exercise really play a role in your wellness?
  • How do you choose?
Local healthcare providers will be on hand with informational booths, a day full of informative seminars on a variety of wellness topics and interactive events for all ages.  You’ll come away empowered to make the best choices for you and your loved ones.

You can check the free speakers page for schedule updates and a listing of the speakers so you can be sure to attend your favorite topic and speaker event.

We are excited to offer a wide variety of informational seminars, 20 minute seminars on various health topics, and health related activities regarding local health and wellness options, chiropractors, supplements and herbs, massage,  intuitive and spiritual guidance, Access Consciousness, essential oils, chakra energy and much, much more.

The Health and Wellness Fair is designed to offer you information and empowerment when making wellness choices for you and your loved ones. CLICK FOR MORE INFO

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Resource to Know About - Health Care Reform in Colorado

Pro or Con a visit to Health Care Reform in Colorado can keep you informed. This page is The State of Colorado's information portal for Health Care Reform. Here are a few samples from the FAQ:

When does the new health care reform take effect?

President Obama signed HR 3590, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law on March 23, 2010. The President also signed HR 4872, the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, into law on March 30, 2010. Together, these acts provide staggered time frames within which many of the changes go into effect. Some of the changes took effect immediately, while others will be phased in through 2020.

What does this reform do for Coloradans?

It ends the worst insurance company practices and outlaws discrimination against Americans with pre-existing conditions; It reduces costs for people with insurance and makes coverage more affordable for people without it today; It sets up a new competitive insurance marketplace where small business owners and families get the same buying power and insurance choices that all members of Congress will have to allow them to shop for the insurance plan that works best for them; and It increases the number of Coloradans with health care coverage.

What if we did nothing?

If people like the plan they have, they can keep it. If they like their doctor, nothing in this plan takes that choice away. But they’ll have more consumer protections that give them greater control.

Learn more at Health Care Reform in Colorado.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Traffic Congestion Takes a Big Toll on your Wallet and Time

Excellent article from The Roaring Fork Transit Authority with Fuel Savings and Carbon Savings calculators.

Texas A&M University Urban Mobility Report As traffic jams worsen, commuters allowing extra time for urgent trips
As traffic congestion continues to worsen, the time required for a given trip becomes more unpredictable, and researchers now have a way to measure that degree of unreliability, introduced for the first time as part of the annual Urban Mobility Report (UMR), published by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI).

So what can you do about it? Take the bus and use your time relaxing and enjoying the ride. Check these out!

Transit Savings Report Individuals who switch from driving to taking public transit can save, on average $9,854 this year, and up to $821 a month. See what you could save!

Fuel Savings Calculator Compare your fuel costs with the cost of transit!

Carbon Savings Calculator Estimate the potential reduction of carbon dioxide emissions you can achieve by switching part or all of your travel to public transportation.


Friday, February 8, 2013

It's Not Just About the Scale

NOT ACHIEVING YOUR WEIGHT-LOSS GOAL can be a pretty frustrating experience–you might be tempted to buy some ice cream and turn your back on the gym. But, regardless of what number you see on the scale, there are plenty of reasons to keep pursuing your fitness goals.

One Tough Resolution

Weight loss can be toughWeight loss is the most popular New Year’s resolution; in one survey, 42 percent of respondents named weight loss among their top three goals for the year 2012. Unfortunately, weight loss can also be one of the most difficult goals to see to its end.

“Losing weight is the standing resolution people seem unable to achieve,” says Alexander Chernev, an associate professor at Northwestern University. “When making our resolutions, we think ‘big picture’ and focus on the long term. Then life takes over.”

For thousands of weight-loss wannabes, the process can be extremely frustrating. You can exercise, eat healthy and still find yourself wrestling with the scale. In one study, only 4.5 percent of those who set a weight-loss goal actually achieved that goal.

Take Daniel, for example. After losing 40 pounds and despite a career as a fitness instructor, he still couldn’t quite reach his target weight.

“We all have different weight goals we’re trying to achieve,” he says. “It can be pretty discouraging when you look in the mirror and don’t see what you think you should see.”

But if that describes your plight, there’s something you should know: there’s more to getting healthy than just moving the numbers on the scale. Even if you’re struggling to lose those last 10 pounds, you may be adding years to your life just by adhering to a healthy, active lifestyle.

Not Just Weight Loss


Regular exercise can help you develop new brain cells, increase your insulin sensitivity, increase your muscle mass and strength, lessen your risk of heart attack and stroke, strengthen your bones and improve your sleep quality. And yes, it can even help you lose weight.

“Among individuals who gain weight, if you maintain your fitness, you’re at a lower risk compared to those who gain the same amount of weight but don’t maintain fitness,” says Dr. I-Min Lee, an associate professor at Harvard Medical School. “Exercise … lowers blood pressure and improves your [cholesterol and blood sugar numbers], even if you don’t lose weight.”

Besides improving the quality of your life, exercise can also help you increase the quantity of your life. One study that pooled data from more than 650,000 people ages 21 to 90 indicated that, regardless of the candidates’ body mass index, they would live longer if they included regular leisure-time physical activity.

Those who did no more than walk 75 minutes each week would live about 1.8 years longer, the study found, while those who doubled that amount gained another 1.6 years.

Those who were inactive and at normal weight lived 3.1 years less than those who were obese and active. But those who were both active and at normal weight saw 7.2 more years than those who were inactive and extremely obese.

“[A] modest physical activity program may have health benefits, even if it does not result in weight loss,” the study concluded. “The findings also suggest … that a lack of leisure time physical activity may markedly reduce life expectancy when combined with obesity.”

So Losing Weight Isn’t Important?


Exercise can improve your wellness in dozens of ways, but that doesn’t mean you should just forget about weight loss. Losing weight still has additional benefits for your overall health that merely getting fit won’t give you.

“I think [the data] can be misinterpreted to suggest that obesity doesn’t matter in many people,” says Dr. Robert Ross, Director of the Obesity Research Center at Queens University. “I’m positive the investigators who make these observations are not intending to suggest obesity is a good thing—that, ‘You’re okay, don’t worry about it.’”

Instead, the message is that even if you achieve only modest weight-loss improvements, you’re still doing your body a world of good. In the study cited earlier where only 4.5 percent of participants achieved their weight-loss goals, 33 percent of that same group lost 10 percent of their bodyweight and 79 percent lost five percent—a weight-loss amount that can reduce one’s risk for cancer and cardiovascular disease.

“Weight loss is good for your blood pressure, for your blood fat profile and for processing glucose and insulin, and it reduces inflammation,” Dr. Lee says. “All of those things contribute to better health.”

So here’s a challenge for your 2013 resolution: This year, make it your number one health goal to achieve a state of greater fitness. Whether to run your first 10k race, walk a mile in under 20 minutes, do 30 pushups or deadlift twice your bodyweight, find an activity that you enjoy and set a goal to improve at it.

Perhaps you’ve already set a goal to improve your health by losing 10 percent of your bodyweight. Great! But don’t stop there. Set a goal for reduced body fat percentage, an improved cholesterol profile or lower blood pressure.

“Both fitness and fatness matter, separately and together, for heart health,” Dr. Duck-Chul Lee of the
University of South Carolina told The New York Times. “So much attention gets focused on weight reduction, but … maintaining your fitness over your lifetime is just as important.”

Source: The Melaleuca Journal

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Before the Blade, the Pill, the Shot - You Might Try...

...Rossiter Stretching

Founded in the 1980's, the Rossiter System is a unique form of deep tissue bodywork with its roots in Rolfing. If you have joint or muscle pain that just won't go away, and you've "tried everything", Rossiter deep tissue stretches might be the missing element in your recovery. Rossiter helps restore tight connective tissue to its originally designed length so tenderness, shooting pain from pinched and zinging nerves and outright nasty pain goes away - without cortisone shots, steroid injections, surgery or mind numbing drugs.

Connective tissue is the tendons, ligaments and layers of fascia that surround and connect all our parts together, giving us shape and form. Connective tissue is our body's system of space. It tightens and shortens with age, overuse, under-use and injury. It squeezes and shrinks, pulling parts together. Working as an active participant with a Certified Rossiter practitioner you can eliminate tightness, pain, and retricted movement. Think of it has a coach proving deep tissue massage and a specific resistance for you to stretch against. There are over 100 stretches to choose from depending on your detailed needs. 

Learn more by contacting the Roaring Fork Valley's Rossiter practitioner, Diane Gallagher at her website or contact (970)-945-5600.

Monday, February 4, 2013

A Resource to Know About - The Roaring Fork Conservancy

Courtesy of Roaring Fork Conservancy

 Roaring Fork Conservancy is the watershed conservation organization for the Roaring Fork Watershed that brings people together to protect our rivers

Founded in November 1996 through a unique public-private partnership, Roaring Fork Conservancy has become one of the most respected watershed conservation organizations in Colorado.

We are the watershed conservation organization in the Roaring Fork Valley that brings people together to protect our rivers. As an independent, not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization our mission is to inspire people to explore, value, and protect the Roaring Fork Watershed. From Aspen to Glenwood Springs, Meredith to Marble, Roaring Fork Conservancy is focused on:

water quantity -- keeping water in our rivers,
water quality -- keeping our rivers healthy, and
habitat preservation -- keeping our riparian habitat intact.

Thanks to your support, Roaring Fork Conservancy accomplished lots in our 16th year!


Courtesy of Roaring Fork Conservancy