Friday, February 21, 2014

Natural Ways to Treat Anxiety – Diet and Lifestyle Changes

Natural Ways to Treat Anxiety 

There are a number of reasons women can feel anxiety from time to time: stress, hormonal imbalance, diet, and other lifestyle factors can all play a role.

Unfortunately, for many people who seek treatment for anxiety, they are simply prescribed “quick fixes” that only mask the symptoms without dealing with the root cause. The good news is that there are natural ways to treat anxiety that focus on dealing with whatever is causing it in the first place.

If you’re hoping to use natural ways to treat anxiety rather than simply masking the symptoms, read on to learn how to recognize anxiety, pinpoint what might be causing it, and address the root issue directly.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety shows itself in a number of ways, so it can be a little hard to define – especially if you are the one going through it yourself. According to an article for the University of Illinois at Chicago at
 ”Sometimes anxiety is accompanied by an episode of intense panic, dread, or fear in which an individual may experience chest pain, shortness of breath, racing heart, dizziness, and/or stomach discomfort. Anxiety can manifest as unwanted, repetitive thoughts and compulsive behaviors that seem impossible to stop. Sometimes anxiety is specifically tied to a certain situation, like speaking in public, riding in an elevator, or encountering a dangerous animal.”
Not all anxiety, however, is tied to certain situations. In fact, the symptoms described might arise in someone who is dealing with anxiety seemingly out of nowhere. Other symptoms include:
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty relaxing or sitting still
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Soreness or aching muscles
  • Trouble falling or staying asleep
  • Avoiding situations that you were once able to handle
  • Sweating
  • Gastrointestinal problems

Looking at Diet

For some people, a poor diet or food intolerance is to blame for feelings of anxiety. Common culprits include food additives like MSG or artificial colors, caffeine, sugar, and gluten in those who are insensitive. Avoiding these and looking into food sensitivities may be all you need to do to get relief.
As  a general rule, adding plenty of raw, organic fruits and vegetables is a great step you can take for your health. Try to mainly eat foods that are as close to their original source as possible – refined grains and highly processed foods are better avoided.

Habits that Heal Anxiety  CLICK TO CONTINUE AT SOURCE