Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Is it Time to Remake Yourself?

Sharing and Reflection by Kimberly Henrie, Founder-Roaring Fork Wellness

Here we are in December, a time of celebration for many of us and as we move into the New Year, a time of reflection and contemplation.

"Did I accomplish what I set out to do this year?" "Am I satisfied with the trajectory I'm on?"  And the list of questions goes on and on, leading to varying degrees of happiness and depression.

One thing that has empowered me over the years when I begin to question everything... is the remembrance that I have the power to choose.

I was reminded of this when I came across an online course from Pema Chodron at SoundsTrue.com. Roaring Fork Wellness recently became an affiliate of Sounds True and I was looking to see what materials they offered that might be relevant to you and to me and the Roaring Fork Wellness community.  I have only recently been introduced to Pema Chodron via an interview I stumbled upon with Oprah, so I was delighted to have another opportunity to experience her teaching.  I want to share it with you.

The course is entitled The Freedom to Choose Something Different.

Let me know if you decide to take the course, I'd love to chat about it. And, if not this, what are your practices to re-evaluate and create the life you choose?  Please share.