Monday, July 29, 2013

Is the Affordable Care Act Good for Integrative Therapies?

The following article was originally posted at

We are just a couple months away from open enrollment in the so-called "ObamaCare" health plans.  It seems important that we go into this new season of health and wellness care with open eyes and a sense of direction.  In the spirit of sharing the journey, below are a couple of items that have come across my desk in regards to the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Article: ACA Hikes Status of Alternative Medicine, at Least on Paper

Here's an excerpt:
One clause of the health law in particular -- Section 2706 -- is widely discussed in the alternative medicine community because it requires that insurance companies "shall not discriminate" against any health provider with a state-recognized license. That means a licensed chiropractor treating a patient for back pain, for instance, must be reimbursed the same as medical doctors.
I am excited about this because it appears to open up the possibility of integrative therapies to the general population on the same level as what we've come to call standard medical care.  If these clauses hold weight, then we will all have more and better choices as to how we get and stay well in the future.

And here is an opinion piece recently published in the Glenwood Springs Post Independent newspaper.  Author James Kellogg believes the new healthcare laws are unhealthy for America. According to Kellogg,
Obamacare contains close to 20 tax increases, most affecting the middle class. The Treasury’s inspector general called it “the largest set of tax law changes in 20 years.”
So armed with this and other information we've passed along, what are your thoughts on the upcoming changes?   Do you agree with Mr. Kellogg?

Read more about the ACA on the Health Care Reform page.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Women's Empowerment Workshop - Awaken in Nature Retreat

Awaken in Nature
Five Days That Will Transform Your Life!

The AWAKEN IN NATURE retreat, Sept. 11-15, in Vail, Colorado takes women on a nature adventure retreat to discover their limitless potential! Dynamic, varied and inspiring experiences in the natural world help women connect mind, body and spirit in profoundly empowering ways. Renowned facilitators, world-class outfitters, and accomplished women leaders guide participants on pathways of self-discovery – through rafting, rock climbing, hiking, horses as natural healers, and daily yoga and meditation. Outdoor activities are specifically designed to help women embody their connection to all living things and learn how to tap into that tremendous life force for themselves, their community and world.

Life coaches/Facilitators Susie Kincade, Victoria FittsMilgrim, Josie Fenton and Melisa Pearce lead women to their deepest questions and help them progress on their personal journey. Women will learn energetic healing techniques, emotional discernment tools and how to use nature to build confidence, courage, trust and self-awareness.

Women authors and life coaches are available for intimate conversations and one-on-one coaching sessions. In a nurturing, supportive, exploratory environment, women of all ages and abilities will connect to their authentic being and be propelled toward a more vital, deeply meaningful life.

Using world class outfitters and guides, authors, life coaches and Vail’s stunning natural settings, Awaken in Nature delivers five transformational days that will change your life!

Here is what past participants say about the retreat:
“The experience was truly transformational and life-changing!” Susan D.

“I am now fearless!” Shakeela Q.
It was affirming and empowering!”  Yvonne D.

I learned skills that have improved all my relationships.” Gina O.

“The most powerful workshop experience I’ve ever had!” Karen G.

Event Package: Six nature adventures (choose up to 4 to explore) with life coaches and wilderness guides; 3 pre- and post-workshop group calls; 2 life coaching seminars; one-on-one consultations; daily yoga/meditation/swimming; delicious meals; welcome reception and social activities; network with other amazing women in beautiful Vail, Colorado!

Where:  At the Vail Racquet Club Mountain Resort, women will enjoy world-class amenities and delectable foods, while experiencing the splendor of Colorado’s autumn colors. Vail Racquet Club is a deluxe, full service health club resort nested between Vail’s Gore Creek and the nearby White River National Forest, a rejuvenating setting where women will feel nurtured and pampered on their journey.

Investment in YOU: All inclusive - $1900 before Aug. 1, then $2200. (payment plans and limited scholarships available)

Early bird registration until Aug. 1. Learn more and register at
For more information, contact, or call 877-595-8622.

Discover the power of Nature. Discover the power of you.

Women's Empowerment Workshop - "Awaken in Nature"

Discover the power of nature. Discover the power of you.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Yoga for the Brain....and so much more!

From: Kim - Real (& mostly) Balanced Ideas for Real Living

I was recently interviewed on the benefits of yoga for improving or retaining your memory and as it often does, synergy began bringing more wisdom and information on the topic to my attention.  So I thought it might be helpful to share some of the information that has come across my path.

Firstly, feel free to take a listen to my interview on the BioGirl Health Show, which I typically host, but this time around took the hot seat.

Want to lessen chronic pain and acute stress?  Reduce frequency of colds? Improve brain function? or perhaps just engage more with your music?  An article at Yoga Journal shares some of the research that says yoga can help with all of these things.

A study at the University of Illinois compares and contrasts the effects of yoga vs aerobic exercise on boosting brain power.  The folks at the Boston Globe wrote about it.  According to this small study, cognitive performance was enhanced immediately after 20 mins of yoga, but not after 20 mins of running on a treadmill.  The theory is that perhaps the cognitive effects of aerobic exercise are a delayed effect, while the yoga is a short term effect.  There was no study of the lasting cognitive effects of yoga.  Though those of us who practice can tell you they are there :-)

The best way to find out if yoga will work for you, whatever your needs are, is to find a qualified teacher who can help you make the most of your practice and just try it.  :-)

Friday, July 19, 2013

Local "Lactivist" Backs Breastfeeding Babies

Local self-proclaimed "lactivist" Elizabeth Jeffryes shares the plight of modern women who struggle with breastfeeding in public. While she doesn't believe it is much of an issue in the Roaring Fork Valley, people are pretty accepting here, she highlights that is IS an issue for so many women across the US. To help promote awareness and support for those moms, she blogs about breastfeeding in public and is the coordinator for Garfield County's Big Latch On event, part of a global effort. Listen to the full interview on Roaring Fork Wellness Podcast, Episode 5.

Learn more at and

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Nature's Rockin' Workout

What could be more paleo and primitive than cross fit? Learn how to get completely fit with stone age tools!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Summer Living - Dr. Linda Khoshaba

From: Kim - Real (& mostly) Balanced Ideas for Real Living

I love the doctors at  Today, Dr. Khoshaba shares some tips to make the summer a little healthier and refreshing!

Enjoy!  Kim

Summer is finally here, time for some fun in the sun!   Here are 3 summer tips to help you prepare and have a successful and safe summer.

Summer Sweats
With the temperature rising, making sure you are getting adequate hydration is the top priority to keeping your body fluid in balance.  Appropriate water intake consists of drinking at least half your body weight in ounces and more for every hour of physical activity.  When you perspire, the content mostly consists of water and to lesser extent, minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. It is essential that not only water be replaced, but also making sure that your electrolyte replacement is sufficient.  Electroyltes are responsible for balancing pH levels (blood acidity) and regulating muscle function.   Common electrolyte replacements are drinks such as Gatorade, however, be watchful with the sugar content hidden in these drinks.  Instead, consider adding ones such as Emergen- C or Endurolytes Fizz that do not contain refined sugars and additives.

Simple Summer Sweets
Ice pops can be refreshing but be cautious of sugar content! You can make ice treats without over indulging in calories.  Cut up some pieces of fruit such as peaches, kiwi, strawberries and grapes then you can add some water and fill up a popsicle tray then freeze. Another thirst quencher is to make some old fashion lemonade; all you need to do is cut 5 lemons in half, squeeze and then add to a pitcher of water and ice! Not only will this keep you hydrated, it is amazingly low in calories!

Summer Skin Care
Skin is the largest organ in our body.  Before jumping into your swimsuit, think about how you can protect it!  SPF, Sun Protection Factor, is a rating that measures the amount of time it takes to form sunburn on unprotected skin.  However, this factor only measures UVB rays (short rays), not UVA rays (long rays). UVA rays penetrate deeper layers of skin and UVB rays penetrate the skin more superficially.  It is important to protect yourself from both forms of ultra violet radiation as they both can increase your risk of premature aging, wrinkles and skin cancers.  Here is what you can do to protect yourself from sun damage:
  • Try to hang out in the shade especially between hours of 10am to 4pm
  • Choosing your outdoor clothing wisely can reduce your risk as well.  For example, there are clothes that designed to reflect UV light reducing skin exposure. 
  • The color of your clothes can impact how much radiation you are absorbing, brighter and dark colored clothes reflect more UV than light pastel colored clothes.
  • Avoid tanning booths
  • Look for a sunscreen with SPF over 15 and has protection from both UVA and UVB rays
(c) 2013- Integrative Health Care, PC
Would you like to use this article? You may as long as you use the following information along with the article:

Dr. Linda Khoshaba received her Doctorate from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine.  Her main areas of focus include women's health, pediatric medicine, diabetes management, and prolotherapy.  She completed her Master's Degree in Health Promotion and Public Health where she focused mainly on patient self management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.  She attended the University of Western Ontario, Canada where she was awarded an Honors Degree in Health Sciences. 
Dr. Khoshaba can be reached at and 480-657-0003.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Heart/Mind Connection and Tantric Practice

In this video Gary and Mirka discuss how the Heart - Mind connection relates to Tantric practice. If you don't know much about Tantra or if you're curious to learn more, this video is for you. Learn how Tantric practices can deepen your own practice, making it even more intimate, powerful and authentic to who you are

Monday, July 8, 2013

Wellness: The Power of Support and Accountability

From: Kim - Real (& mostly) Balanced Ideas for Real Living

I have found that I am extremely creative when it comes to procrastination.
Thank You Elise

And I LOVE working out and taking care of myself.  So, I know how hard it must be if you really don't like to think about what your body needs.  Something that I have started doing with my daughters Elizabeth and Megan this year is hosting Daily Morning Workouts on Google Hangouts On Air.  So we are not only accountable to each other, as we develop an audience that wants this daily motivation, we are accountable to them as well.  This makes a world of difference!  It certainly makes it harder to skip out on a workout - though I am still creative enough to do that once in awhile.

Additionally, we operate a Facebook Group called Better Bodies Support Group.  As a member of this group you are invited to share your goals, concerns, questions, etc. and know that only other group members can see your posts. We are in this journey together.  We also all share tips, recipes, workouts, and more to give everyone fresh ideas.  You are invited to join us!  Follow the link to Better Bodies!

Here is an example of one of the workouts: Yoga for Lower Back Support