Sunday, December 30, 2012

Green Zone Recycling - Silt, Colorado

I have used Green Zone Recycling a few times now. Each visit I have been super impressed with the friendliness and efficiency of this business. More than that however, they are at the forefront of helping this valley repurpose and recycle stuff that we used to have little choice but to throw away. And they pay you to do it. Cash for metals, batteries, appliances, bicycles, grills, lawn mowers and a whole bunch of other stuff. Each time I go I am pleasantly surprised at what they can take. Make sure to visit the Green Zone Recycling facebook page for directions and basic information. “Like” the page while you are there.
Michael Lyon, Josh Alsop & Matt Mekis load a truck to haul metal to Denver.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Awesome Place to Live

Living in these valleys means living well. Great video from the Glenwood Springs Chamber reminding us how blessed we are to live here. Thank you Lindsey Lewis

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Meet the Garfield Clean Energy Collaborative Partners

If you haven't visited Garfield Clean Energy yet, it is definitely worth your time to review the website. There you will find tons of information on eco-friendly resources; rebate & finance programs, training opportunities, clean energy education, contractor resources, or energy audits.

Here is the basic information:

About Garfield Clean Energy Collaborative

The purpose of Garfield Clean Energy Collaborative is to make it easier for residents, businesses, and governments throughout Garfield County to become more energy efficient and tap clean energy as a means to creating a stronger, more resilient economy. The GCEC uses state legislation that allows governments to cooperate with one another to provide a service or function that is most efficiently provided on a regional basis rather than by single governments.

The formation of the Collaborative is one of the many results of a Department of Local Affairs grant originally awarded to a partnership of governments in Garfield County in 2008. The grant was overseen by the Garfield Clean Energy Advisory Board, which reported to the Board of County Commissioners. The new Collaborative is a self-standing entity, and will continue to oversee the programs to help residents, businesses, and local governments become more energy efficient and reduce energy costs. The non-profit CLEER (Clean Energy Economy for the Region) implements the work of Garfield Clean Energy.

Members of Garfield Clean Energy Collaborative are Parachute, Rifle, New Castle, Glenwood Springs, Carbondale, Garfield County, the Garfield Regional Library District, and the Roaring Fork Transportation Authority. The board consists of a representative appointed by each entity, along with an alternate. The Garfield Clean Energy Collaborative (GCEC) held its first official meeting Jan. 11 and elected New Castle Councilman Greg Russi as chair and Glenwood Springs Mayor Pro-tem Leo McKinney as vice chair.

Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of every month, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm, alternating between Glenwood Springs and Rifle. Members of the public are welcome to attend; meeting agendas are posted at all town halls.
To date, the Garfield Clean Energy initiative has helped more than 91 businesses and over 289 homes cut energy costs; saved over $1 million in public building energy expenses; and installed 23 new renewable energy systems on public buildings.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Megan Henrie Personal Trainer: Exercises to help with hip and back pain during pr...

Great article from Megan Henrie on dealing with hip and back pain during pregnancy. Simple exercises you can do at home, well described with good photo demonstrations.

Megan Henrie Personal Trainer: Exercises to help with hip and back pain during pr...: This is great if done as a circuit, but can also be done one exercise at a time. Make sure you grab a chair or stand next to a counter if y...

Monday, December 17, 2012

Nutritionist Tricia Farrell shares her insight as to what happens inside the body when we eat certain foods and what changes we might make to optimize health.

Friday, December 14, 2012

A sample from the Physiological Rebalancing practice on the new Viniyoga Therapy for Anxiety DVD from Gary Kraftsow.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Self-care and Evaluation

No matter what your specific beliefs about Wellness and even spirituality are... I think we can all agree that stepping back from time to time and evaluating our situation on a mental/physical/spiritual level is essential to our overall wellness.

Our friend Angel at Wake Up Reiki is helping us do just that this month with a 21 day series called 5th Dimensional Consciousness. We're on Day 8, but it's easy to catch up! Visit Wake Up Reiki's Facebook Page to find the daily lessons.

How do you remind yourself to step back and take a look occassionally?

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Wellness Defined


[wel-nis] Show IPA
1. the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort.
2. an approach to healthcare that emphasizes preventing illness and prolonging life, as opposed to emphasizing treating diseases.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Facebook Wellness

Roaring Fork Wellness is a great source of wellness news and inspiration.  Come on in and join us!

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