Happy New Year!!
Eat Your Greens
when we are in the middle of a cold snowy winter, we are lucky enough
to get fresh local greens at CCFC through Osage and Eagle Springs Farms.
They both have greenhouses and grow delicious organic greens
We want to make sure you are aware of the new items we have in stock.
Now available are VinSante non-alcoholic wines. If you imbibed bit too
much over the holidays, but still want the delicious taste of those
fermented grapes, this is the way to go.
We also have sprouting seeds available, so you
can grow your own sprouts at home. Sprouts are incredibly nutritious;
especially for those on a raw food diet. Studies show remarkable levels
of B Vitamins, as well as Vitamins C, E and A (up to 15 times the
original content!).
New Additions at the Co-op
We are also carrying Jens Café Bars--made
in Basalt. And if you haven't tried Jackson's Honest potato chips,
cooked in organic coconut oil, you don't know what you're missing. New
on the shelves are Jackson's Honest sweet potato chips