3 Minute Warm Up -
Suggestions: bodyweight squats, jumping jacks, walk/run in place, high-knees.
Repeat the following
circuit twice:
- 20 pushups (knees, toes or wall, depending on your level of fitness)
- 2 minutes step ups OR stairclimbs/jumprope/high knees
- 10 walking lunges (total of 20 steps)
- 2 minutes step ups OR stairclimbs/jumprope/high-knees
- 20 sit ups OR crunches
- 2 minutes step ups OR stairclimbs/jumprope/high knees
- 20 single-arm bent over row (20 each arm), use dumbbell or anything heavy (suitcase, briefcase, water container, rock….)
3 Minute Cool Down - Suggestions:
walk around room, step touch, stretch.