Friday, May 30, 2014

Planting in the Forest Garden

Come learn to plant vegetables with your children! Fat City Farmers offers one hour workshops for families at the Roaring Fork High School garden.
We will tour the greenhouse and garden, show children how to plant in the forest garden, share gardening tips, harvest something to taste and read a garden story. Please bring your water bottle and sun hats. All ages, all people welcome. Se habla español.
Come to any one workshop or all, the next 4 Saturdays: May 31, June 7, June 14, June 21
9:30-10:30 or 10:45-11:45
$5 donation to the youth gardening program, or free or whatever you can afford.
A forest garden ( ) is a permaculture model that plants trees, berries, perennial herbs, and annual vegetables in a mix so that they each will grow optimally. It mimics a natural woodland.
People who come for a workshop orientation are welcome to adopt an area of the forest garden for their own use to plant and harvest what they wish in that area. It is essentially a community garden, and there is no charge. We want people to plant and use the space.
Call Illène: 274-1622 for more information