Find out the buzz on one of the hardest working insects on the planet!
- Honeybees can fly up to 14 kilometers (8.7 miles) from their nest in search of food.
- Honey is the only food that includes all the substances necessary to sustain life, including water.
- Honeybees, from a typical hive, visit approximately 225,000 flowers per day.
- In her lifetime, a honeybee worker will travel about 1,000 kilometers (620 miles)!
- In her six-week life span, one worker bee will only make 1/10th of a teaspoon of honey.
- Honeybees must consume about 17-20 pounds of honey to make one pound of beeswax.
- A typical foraging honeybee will work herself to death in about three weeks.
- Queen bees will lay as many as 2,000 eggs on a good day or an average of one every 45 seconds.
- Honeybees have five eyes but see very few colors; they cannot see red.
- A honeybee produces beeswax from eight paired glands on the underside of her abdomen.